On this site you will find a complete catalogue of Paul Leavitt’s scores, downloadable audio files, and more.
Printed copies of scores and sheet music are available for purchase on this site and will be mailed out to you.
Links to digital download can also be found on this site.
Check out my new pages of links to Choral Rehearsal Videos:
There you’ll find rehearsal videos for some of the most beloved major works for chorus, soloists and orchestra.
How did I start writing choral music?
Since childhood, I’ve kept a notebook of musical ideas that would maybe turn into pieces. One evening I spent 15 minutes “trying to write” something, but the results were disappointing. Nothing was happening. So I went out for a walk. I locked the door of the apartment, then the building, and just as I was about to turn the corner, I heard this beautiful piece in 4 parts.
I thought to myself, “I’ll just write it down when I get home”, but suddenly I heard a voice that said,
“No, go back and write it down now. Don’t wait until you get back or you’ll forget it.”
So I go back up to my room and quickly jot down this piece in 4 parts. The page seemed to fill up all by itself. When the wave of inspiration had passed, I thought “This is a lovely piece of choral music, but I don’t direct any choruses, nor sing in any choral groups.” Five years later I was directing 4 choral groups per week. I thought, “This lovely choral piece needs words.” So I took a piece of paper and started to jot down ideas at my kitchen table. Before I knew it, there were 7 stanzas. I put the words into the choral octavo and brought it to my chorus the following week.
A Christmas Madrigal was my first choral work and was the beginning of my journey as a composer into this most glorious of musical worlds.